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Know Your Ships is widely known around the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway as THE indispensable guide to boats and boatwatching. The book enjoys a very loyal following, and it is our conviction that our advertisers will benefit from this loyalty as well. In addition, readers of Know Your Ships keep the book close at hand, referring to it over and over as they reference the passing vessels, in the process viewing your ad again and again.
Full page: Finished/trimmed size is 8 1/4” high x 5 3/8” wide (8.25” x 5.375”) Safe live area is 7 3/4” x 4 5/8” (7.75” x 4.625”). All text should fall within the safe live area which allows for a 1/4-inch (.25) margin to ensure no text is lost due to bindery trimming. Full bleed size is 8 1/2” x 5 5/8” (8.5” x 5.625”)
1/4 page vertical: 2.25” wide x 3.75” high (no bleed)
1/2 page vertical: 2.25” wide x 7.75” high (no bleed)
1/4 page horizontal: 4.625” wide x 1.75” high (no bleed)
1/2 page horizontal: 4.625” wide by 3.75” high (no bleed)
Full- and half--page ads include a link on our website at no extra charge.

If you are interested in advertising your business or company in an upcoming Know Your Ships publication, contact Kathryn Lau at wildwomank@ymail.com. We would love to work with you!